The "Fake it Till You Make It" platitude has helped a lot of folks in changing their path, modeling themselves after the best, and aiming for excellence.

While I don't like the "Fake It" moniker, sometimes people must go beyond their comfort zone, get past fear, and try to go to the next level.

Whether you are modeling yourself after a successful person, or you simply want to become something great one day, the act of pretending or pre-dreaming is an important facet to visualization and innovation. Quantum leaps are made many times when a person can truly see themselves accomplishing the objective. The dream becomes a belief!, and the power of belief is magical.

Yes, be authentic. Yes, be yourself, but also, become who you are meant to be and allow your authentic best to manifest itself.

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Great point. I see "faking it til you make it" as a strategy that one can use towards achieving genuine success. It can be used towards creating or being anything. The larger question is motivation or intention: is the person I am becoming or the thing I am building aligned with my highest self or noble intention? If it is, virtually any strategy can be used as long as it doesn't mean stepping over others

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